GSC Training

The Gentle Sleep Coach® Program is the first and most extensive professional sleep coach training and certification program available to teach gentle sleep strategies. The program involves over 80 hours of training with a faculty panel that includes 2 medical doctors, a psychologist, an attorney, a lactation counselor, postpartum doulas, and a family therapist. Each coach must pass an exam and participate in case supervision with Kim West, LCSW-C (a.k.a. “the Sleep Lady®”) who has been helping tired parents for over 20 years. I completed my GSC training in June 2023. Clinical supervision and ongoing advanced training are required to maintain certification as a Gentle Sleep Coach®.

Some of my training topics included:

  • Basic counseling and child development

  • Sleep science and behavioral modification techniques to help parents of children age 0 to 6 years old.

  • Secure attachment theory

  • Support for the breastfeeding mother

The training also consisted of lectures from top specialists, including:

  • Postpartum Depression from Dr. Shoshana Bennett, author and leading specialist on Postpartum Depression.

  • Medical Conditions and Sleep Apnea in Children led by Dr. Lewis Kass, Director of Children’s Sleep Center.

  • GERD and Sleep led by Dr. Anthony Loizides, pediatric gastroenterologist.

0-5 Month Old GSC Training Summary

The GSC Program also includes an exclusive advanced training specifically focused on gentle sleep strategies that work with babies 0-5 months of age.

Some of my training topics included:

  • In-depth knowledge of the importance of attachment and infant mental health.

  • The sleep science behind the first six months of life.

  • What special considerations need to be taken when working with and supporting families during this delicate period.

  • Specialized instruction on how to evaluate families in the first six months.

  • Guidance on how to assess when the baby is ready for sleep coaching based on current research and evidence-based strategies.

  • Review of gentle sleep solutions and strategies that are developmentally appropriate, breastfeeding and attachment friendly and promote a solid foundation for sleep learning and long-term healthy sleep patterns.